// Program: Cable Company Billing
// This program calculates and prints a customer's bill for
// a local cable company. The program processes two types of
// customers: residential and business.
import java.util.*;
public class CableCompanyBilling
static Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
//Named constants - residential customers
static final double R_BILL_PROC_FEE = 4.50;
static final double R_BASIC_SERV_COST = 20.50;
static final double R_COST_PREM_CHANNEL = 7.50;
//Named constants - business customers
static final double B_BILL_PROC_FEE = 15.00;
static final double B_BASIC_SERV_COST = 75.00;
static final double B_BASIC_CONN_COST = 5.00;
static final double B_COST_PREM_CHANNEL = 50.00;
public static void main(String[] args)
//Variable declaration
int accountNumber;
char customerType;
int noOfPremChannels;
int noOfBasicServConn;
double amountDue;
System.out.println("This program computes " + "a cable bill.");
System.out.print("Enter the account "+ "number: "); //Step 1
accountNumber = console.nextInt(); //Step 2
System.out.print("Enter the customer type: "+ "R or r (Residential), " + "B or b(Business): "); //Step 3
customerType = console.next().charAt(0); //Step 4
switch (customerType)
case 'r': //Step 5
case 'R':
System.out.print("Enter the number of " + "premium channels: "); //Step 5a
noOfPremChannels = console.nextInt(); //Step 5b
amountDue = R_BILL_PROC_FEE + R_BASIC_SERV_COST + noOfPremChannels * R_COST_PREM_CHANNEL; //Step 5c
System.out.println("Account number = " + accountNumber); //Step 5d
System.out.printf("Amount due = $%.2f %n", amountDue); //Step 5e
case 'b': //Step 6
case 'B':
System.out.print("Enter the number of " + "basic service " + "connections: "); //Step 6a
noOfBasicServConn = console.nextInt(); //Step 6b
Programming Example: Cable Company Billing | 205
System.out.print("Enter the number of " + "premium channels: "); //Step 6c
noOfPremChannels = console.nextInt(); //Step 6d
if (noOfBasicServConn <= 10) //Step 6e
amountDue = B_BILL_PROC_FEE +B_BASIC_SERV_COST +(noOfBasicServConn - 10) * B_BASIC_CONN_COST +
noOfPremChannels * B_COST_PREM_CHANNEL;
System.out.println("Account number = " + accountNumber); //Step 6f
System.out.printf("Amount due = $%.2f %n", amountDue); //Step 6g
default: //Step 7
System.out.println("Invalid customer type.");
}//end switch
Sample Output: (In this sample run, the user input is shaded.)
This program computes a cable bill.
Enter the account number: 12345
Enter the customer type: R or r (Residential), B or b (Business): b
Enter the number of basic service connections: 16
Enter the number of premium channels: 8
Account number = 12345
Amount due = $520.00
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